9.1 1.3.42024-09-20
Weather Now: Radar, Hourly & Daily Forecast. Stay ahead with real-time updates.
Weather Now: Radar & Forecast, your ultimate companion for all your weather needs.
Hourly Forecast
- Get hourly updates on weather conditions.
- Plan your day with precise hourly forecasts.
- Stay prepared for changing weather throughout the day.
Daily Forecast
- View daily weather forecasts for the week.
- Check temperature highs and lows at a glance.
- Plan your activities with confidence using 7-day forecasts.
- Track rain and precipitation in real-time.
- View live radar maps with customizable layers.
- Explore detailed radar maps for accurate weather forecasts.
Additional Features:
- UV Index: Monitor UV radiation levels throughout the day.
- Air Quality: Check the air quality index in your area.
- Rain Predictions: Receive predictions on rain intensity and duration.
Weather Now: Radar & Forecast keeps you informed about the weather conditions you care about most, with detailed forecasts and real-time radar updates.
Package Namecom.weather.radar.clime.weathernews
System RequirementsAndroid 7.0+ (N, API 24)
Content Rating18