7.5 42024-10-12
Are you interested in buying a car, or own one?
Auto & Vehicles Operating Cost Calculator :
Find the true cost of owning and operating a Vehicles before purchase.
Auto & Vehicles Lease Calculator :
Are you going to lease? Then this Calculator is for you. Before signing any Lease Contract, open this Calculator and determine every cost to avoid all possible financial and legal problems.
Auto & Vehicles Loan Calculator :
Looking to buy a new vehicle? This Calculator will do the math for you.
Auto & Vehicles Payment Comparison Calculator :
This Calculator will show you the monthly payments required for Auto & Vehicles loans lasting 1 year, 2 years, 3 years, 4 years, 5 years, 6 years, 7 years, 8 years, 9 years & 10 years. Simply enter your total loan amount and the annual interest rate. Then press "Calculate", to see the monthly payments for each loan term.
Auto & Vehicles Fuel Cost Calculator :
Driving can be expensive, especially if you regularly drive long distances and spend a lot of money on fuel. Ever wondered how much the trip really costs you? How much fuel you're going to need? This calculator estimates the fuel cost of a trip based on distance, MPG and gas price.
Auto & Vehicles Depreciation Calculator :
This calculator allows you to estimate how much your Vehicles will be worth after a number of years. The calculator also estimates the first year and the total Vehicle depreciation.
➡️ App Features
❶ 100% Free app. There is no 'in-app purchase' or Pro offers. Free means absolutely free for life time.
❷ Offline app! You have full freedom to use the app without Wi-Fi.
❸ Beautiful eye-catching design.
❹ App uses little phone space and works fine with low memory.
❺ You can share easily with your friends and family using Share button.
❻ Low battery consumption! The app is optimized to use the battery wisely.
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Package Namecom.whiteflower10001.Car_Calculator
System RequirementsAndroid 5.0+ (Lollipop, API 21)
Content Rating18